Missing In Action From Fervent Youth

8:49 AM

Hi again,

I had so many people reach out to me after I stopped posting to Fervent Youth. It was an awesome feeling of "Yes! My friends are actually reading this crap!" and also "Holy cow, I totally dropped the ball." So here I am, being a keyboard warrior and hoping my friends are still going to be interested in what I have to say!

Since I have been gone, I have made so many drastic life changes. I have a totally awesome boyfriend, am moving to a new city (Fort Worth here I come??) and am in the process of getting a new job! Super exciting and super stressful all at the same time. It's crazy.

The biggest reason I took a break on blogging is the same reason as anyone else. LIFE. I was working three jobs, trying to have a life outside of work and stressing about what is going to happen next. What no one tells you in their "Best of Blogging Secrets" is that this is a full-time job. From actually having something creative, innovative and new to write about, to social media outreach to email marketing. I mean if you're not talking about your blog 24/7, it's as good as dead. So I took a break because I couldn't give it 100%.

Now that I have my life kinda, sorta back together again (even though that's a lie in itself), I want to pick back up where I started. I'm hoping the people who were interested in Fervent Youth will welcome it back with open arms and eager reading eyes!

So, here's to making my 2017 New Years resolution a thing again.

xoxo, Kris

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  1. Welcome back! Looking forward to reading your blogs again :-)

    1. Thank you! I will have more content soon!!! :)
